Have your say
To protect Redland City’s koalas it is important that people urge the government to include areas where koalas live now in the official habitat mapping..
The Government says it wants submissions about koala habitat mapping to be lodged by 22 December 2019. The official submission process is geared to meeting the needs of property owners who want to have koala habitat mapping removed from their land. Our submission is in the form of an email which does not follow the official process, so please continue and have your say right up to January 31 2020.
We suggest that you send your email submissions about the need for additional areas to be designated as koala habitat to the State Environment Minister with copies to:
We have included a draft submission for you to send, preferably with your personal changes.
Please edit the submission text to say what you your really think, including local examples of where you have seen koalas in your local area.